Brandon Fureigh currently serves as the first Director of Training and Public Engagement for the Truman National Security Project and Center for National Policy. He previously served as Advocacy Director managing Truman’s award winning campaigns Make US Strong and Operation Free. He produced and co-wrote Truman’s first presidential independent expenditure ad Commander in Chief. This ad won two Reed Awards for “Best Television Ad of 2012” and “Toughest Television Ad of 2012” by Campaigns and Elections magazine, and was named one of the four most effective ads of 2012 by the New York Times. Over the years Brandon has conducted advocacy and communications trainings for thousands of volunteers, candidates, and elected officials across the country Before joining Truman, Brandon worked as a Training Coordinator for the United States Marine Corps’ Mojave Viper, an urban combat training at the Twentynine Palms Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command in Southern California.