Grew up in Muskogee, Oklahoma. Cherokee Nation citizen. Came out as queer in 1992. Resisted Tom Coburn's 1994 Congressional campaign. Smith College graduate. Helped process Margaret Sanger Papers & oral histories of second wave feminist activists at Sophia Smith Collection women's history archive. Nearly 20 years of professional leadership experience. Created the Facebook group that would become Indivisible Action Tampa Bay on Nov 9, 2016. IATB now serves over 6,000 progressive patriots in Tampa Bay, one of the most politically critical areas of the country. IATB is one of the largest and most active chapters of the Indivisible Project, hosting dozens of activities each month to help progressives turn anger into action. Married to her wife unofficially 22 years, officially 3 of those years. Proud mother of 5 year old twin boys.