Carmen Scurato leads the National Hispanic Media Coalition’s policy and government affairs work, based in Washington, D.C. She develops policy and legal strategies to ensure that Latinos and other communities of color have access to affordable and open communications. As an advocate for reforms that encourage innovation, enhance competition, and increase diversity in the telecommunications landscape, Carmen reviews key policy items as they develop. She prepares legal comments explaining to regulators the impact of media and telecommunications laws and regulations on Latinos across the country. Carmen regularly represents NHMC in meetings with members of Congress and federal regulatory agencies. She also coordinates with other organizations to draft advocacy letters and advance public pressure campaigns that protect vulnerable communities. Before joining NHMC, Carmen worked as a contractor for the Department of Justice and assisted in investigations alleging financial fraud against federal agencies and federal health care programs. Most notably, Carmen helped recoup millions of dollars in a national False Claims Act whistleblower lawsuit alleging Medicare fraud. She also worked at the DOJ Office of Legislative Affairs on large document requests received from congressional oversight committees