Daniel Neyoy Ruiz entered sanctuary on May 13, 2014, becoming the first person to enter sanctuary during the most recent phase of the sanctuary movement. He came to the US 14 years ago with his wife Karla and quickly became a valuable member of the Tucson community as a part of the work force and as a leader in his church. He and his wife have a son, Carlos who is 14 years old. In 2011, Daniel was driving to work and was pulled over by the Department of Public Safety because his car was emitting to much exhaust and although he was never cited, Border Patrol was called and he was detained for one month and placed in removal proceedings. On May 13th he entered sanctuary at Southside Presbyterian Church, which was the birth place of the Sanctuary Movement of the 1980’s. Daniel spent 28 days in sanctuary before being granted a stay. During that time he became a powerful voice advocating not only for his family but for all undocumented families and it was in part because of his leadership that the sanctuary movement was reborn.