Drew’s passion is building massive volunteer teams to take strategic action in the progressive issue-based organizing space. Drew began his decade of experience in deep canvassing as a volunteer in college at UCLA fighting for gay marriage with the LA LGBT Center’s Leadership LAB. After organizing a cohort of fellow students, Drew became a full-time staff member at the LAB from 2015-2017, developing and implementing deep canvasses on trans rights, abortion, voter turnout, and more. In the years since Drew helped develop the first deep canvass on prison abolition, and during the 2020 presidential election he ran a remote campaign with SURJ in Georgia that led to 34,000 deep canvass-style phone conversations. Today Drew supports labor unions and nonprofit organizations to employ the tools and learnings of deep canvassing in issue based organizing. Residing in his home of Santa Cruz California, Drew spends his free time rock climbing, surfing, and walking among redwood trees.