Elizabeth Stinson, LMFT, conducts clinical trainings on the Treatment of Military Sexual Trauma. A well known Marriage and Family Therapist and trauma treatment therapist, Elizabeth provides MST trainings and counseling for clinicians throughout the United States. Elizabeth practices in Portland, OR, and is licensed in both, Oregon and California. Her extensive clinical work with trauma and sexual assault survivors includes returning veterans and military members who have experienced military sexual trauma, PTSD and TBI: Traumatic Brain Injury. Elizabeth is a contributor to the award winning documentary on military sexual trauma, “The Invisible War” and an employee of Multnomah County. Elizabeth is often asked to consult with JAG (US Judge Advocate General), civilian attorneys and other clinicians, on MST, PTSD and TBI. In addition, Elizabeth is clinical advisor to BAMLP, the Bay Area Military Law Panel and a member of the Portland VA think-tank on military sexual trauma.