
Netroots Nation: Speaker/Trainer Profile

The below profile is for an individual who spoke at a Netroots Nation event. Their views are their own and may not represent the view of the Netroots Nation organization or its staff, volunteers or board members. Note: Speakers cannot be contacted through Netroots Nation. Please contact the individual directly through their website, email or social media.

Federico de Jesús

Senior Advisor
Power 4 Puerto Rico

Federico A. de Jesús is the Founder and Principal of FDJ Solutions, LLC, and has over 17 years of experience working at the highest levels of government, communications, and politics. De Jesús was the national Communications Director for Hispanic Media in the Obama for America 2008 Presidential and in the Office of the President-elect. Subsequently, he served for four years as a political appointee in the U.S. Department of Transportation as Associate Director for Governmental Affairs. Prior to the Obama campaign, de Jesús worked for close to 8 years on Capitol Hill in several capacities. He was the Director for Hispanic Communications in U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s office and he also served in a similar capacity for U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. He also worked for Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY), and for former Puerto Rico Resident Commissioner in Congress Aníbal Acevedo Vilá. More recently, de Jesús served as Deputy Director for the Governor of Puerto Rico's DC office. He is also the co-founder of BoricuActivatEd, and BoricuActívate, 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) groups respectively, that seek to empower, educate, and encourage civic engagement across the Puerto Rican Diaspora. De Jesús appears regularly in the media as a political commentator. He has an M.A. degree in Social Enterprise from American University’s (AU) School of International Service, and a B.A. in Communications, Legal Institutions, Economics and Government (CLEG) from AU’s School of Public Affairs.

Netroots Nation participation