Fred Gooltz

Netroots Nation: Speaker/Trainer Profile

The below profile is for an individual who spoke at a Netroots Nation event. Their views are their own and may not represent the view of the Netroots Nation organization or its staff, volunteers or board members. Note: Speakers cannot be contacted through Netroots Nation. Please contact the individual directly through their website, email or social media.

Fred Gooltz

Fred Gooltz

Fred Gooltz is a writer whose short fiction, plays, and screenplays have been published and produced in the US and UK. Long obsessed with the nexus of technology and storytelling, in the Howard Dean wave Gooltz became a political strategist. Focusing on crossmedia storytelling and tech strategy work in politics, non profits, and technology, mostly through Living Liberally and Advomatic. Much of his current writing for film and TV incorporates his obsession with politics and the future.