A rising star in the alternative comedy scene, JANINE BRITO is the winner of the 2009 SF Women's Comedy Competition and the Rooftop Comedy 2010 Silver Nail Award. Praised by 7x7 Magazine as "one of SF's more daring voices" and one of "the 7 funniest people in town," she was named the 2011 “Best Comedian with a Message” by the East Bay Express. Along with comics W. Kamau Bell and Nato Green, Janine is part of Laughter Against the Machine, a comedy tour to America's most volatile political hotspots. Her 2012 comedy festival appearances include Sketchfest in SF, the Women in Comedy Festival in Boston, Bridgetown Comedy Festival in Portland, OR and the Glasgow International Comedy Festival. A sarcastic, snarky smart bomb of comedy funk straight from the 80's, the SF Weekly called her “a mean lesbian.” But she’s pretty sure that they meant it in a good way.