Kimberly Ellis has been the executive director of Emerge California since 2010. Under her leadership, the organization has greatly expanded its reach, effectiveness, and visibility. Prior to joining Emerge California, Kimberly worked at the national headquarters, Emerge America, as the National Affiliate Director. In this capacity, Kimberly was responsible for launching new state programs and working with existing affiliates to increase and strengthen program quality, sustainability and growth. A 2007 Emerge California graduate, Kimberly has personal experience with the program and is passionate about the organization’s mission of inspiring and empowering women to step into political power. The majority of Kimberly's background and experience is in operations management and organizational infrastructure. She has worked in private industry, state government, and for non-profits. Kimberly has two children, one husband, a dog, a turtle, three goldfish, and holds a B.A. in English and a J.D. from JFK School of Law.