Kristen Crowell is the Executive Director of We Are Wisconsin, the grassroots coalition that grew out of the out rising that began in Madison, WI and spread nation-wide. In the 2011 Wisconsin Recalls, Crowell served as the Field Director and piloted innovative field programs such as the Relational Voter Program and Community Labor Alliances. Prior to working for We Are Wisconsin, Crowell was the Founding Director of Wisconsin Progress, a state-based candidate recruitment and training organization committed to electing progressive candidates at the local and state level. Kristen has extensive campaign experience, working on over 140 local and state based races. Prior to working in electoral politics, Crowell spent six years as a community organizer working with faith based organization working to advance issues such as immigrants' rights, education funding reform, and treatment instead of prison. Kristen has four amazing children, three daughters ages 16, 13, and 4 and a little boy who is 3.