Leora Olivas is the State Director for Silver State Voices, the Nevada affiliate of State Voices, an innovative national network of state-based coalitions helping local organizations build long-term power to change the face of democracy. She coordinates dozens of local and national organizations to integrate civic engagement into program activities and push for the expansion of voter access. In 2014, Silver State Voices convened the Let Nevadans Vote Coalition, which blocked efforts to remove Sunday Early Voting hours in the Reno area and recruited diverse volunteers to serve as poll workers. In 2015 the coalition blocked voter suppression legislation while building support for expansions of voting rights. Leora also helped partners register over 16,000 underrepresented voters and contact almost 85,000 to turnout in 2014. Drawn to Nevada during the 2008 election, Leora worked previously as the 2012 Democratic Presidential Caucus Director and the Data and Targeting Manager for ISSI.