
Netroots Nation: Speaker/Trainer Profile

The below profile is for an individual who spoke at a Netroots Nation event. Their views are their own and may not represent the view of the Netroots Nation organization or its staff, volunteers or board members. Note: Speakers cannot be contacted through Netroots Nation. Please contact the individual directly through their website, email or social media.

Liz Veazey

Policy & Rural Energy Director
Solar United Neighbors

Liz has 20 years of experience with clean energy, climate, and social justice organizing. Liz is Policy & Rural Energy Director at Solar United Neighbors. At SUN, Liz has been involved in fights to protect solar rights from Florida to Arizona at state legislatures, utility commissions, utilities, and local government levels. Liz has served in many leadership roles across the movement for clean energy and climate justice. Mostly recently, Liz was Network Director at We Own It building the movement for rural electric co-op reform and energy democracy from 2015-2020. During that time, Liz served three years on the Steering Committee of the RE-AMP Network helping to set a goal of equitably eliminating GHG emissions in the Midwest by 2050. She served as Co-chair of the Power Shift Network board from 2016-2019 (which she co-founded in 2004 as the Energy Action Coalition) to bring youth together to build a clean energy future. Liz lives in Omaha, Nebraska where she’s on the board of a multi-modal transportation advocacy group, Mode Shift Omaha, and is an active customer-owner of Omaha Public Power District (OPPD). Sadly, her roof doesn’t face south, but she does participate OPPD’s community solar program. She enjoys biking, gardening, and hanging out with her chickens.