Luis Nolasco is an undocumented queer organizer with the Inland Empire Immigrant Youth Coalition (IE-IYC) an affiliate of the National Immigrant Youth Alliance (The NIYA), who through public campaigns has contributed to stopping deportations and shed light on the conditions of Immigration Detention Centers. Alongside 4 other undocumented organizers from the NIYA, they set up camp in South Florida to expose the injustices being held at Broward Transitional Center, an Immigration Detention Facility. Soon after, he went on to do similar work with North Georgia Detention Center in Gainesville, Georgia. Now he resides in the Inland Empire where he is working on establishing a visitation program for Adelanto Detention Center in Victorville as well as working to pass pro-immigrant legislation such as the TRUST Act which would help abolish some of the unnecessary incarceration of Immigrants.