Maisie Chin is Executive Director/Co-Founder of CADRE – Community Asset Development Redefining Education, a community-based parent membership organization in South Los Angeles, led by African American and Latino parents. CADRE’s mission is to solidify and advance parent leadership to ensure that all children are rightfully educated regardless of where they live. A child of immigrants, Maisie has been in the social justice movement for 21 years, dedicated to fighting structural racism. Since 2001, CADRE parent leaders have been leading the fight to end the pushout of low-income families of color into the school-to-prison pipeline. CADRE has changed school discipline policy in Los Angeles and California, and is a founding member of the Dignity in Schools Campaign. Maisie sits on the board of the Schott Foundation for Public Education and is twice a UCLA Bruin – with a B.A. in History and a M.A. in Urban Planning.