Melissa Mark-Viverito currently serves as a New York City Council Member, representing District 8, which includes El Barrio/East Harlem, Manhattan Valley and Mott Haven. She was born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico and attended Columbia College at Columbia University in New York City and earned her Master of Public Administration from Baruch College, City University of New York in 1995. In 2005, Melissa became the first Puerto Rican woman and Latina elected to serve as Council Member for the 8th Council District. In 2009, she was elected to her second term in the City Council. She currently serves as Chair of the City Council’s Parks & Recreation Committee and Co-Chair of the Council’s Progressive Caucus. In her current capacity as Council Member, Melissa has worked to advance anagenda focused on issues affecting working class and low-income families, youth, seniors and immigrant communities.