Myra Durán is the Senior Policy Manager for California Latinas for Reproductive Justice. Myra graduated from UCLA with a B.A. in Women’s Studies with a concentration in Women of Color Feminism and a minor in Labor and Workplace Studies. She currently serves as the National Programme Coordinator for AF3IRM, a national grassroots, volunteer organization of women engaged in transnational feminist, anti-imperialist activism and dedicated to the fight against oppression in all its forms. Myra also served on the Young Women’s Leadership Council for the Pro-Choice Public Education Project (PEP) to ensure that the interests and voices of young women of color, transgender & gender non-conforming young people were included. She previously served as a board member for ACCESS Women's Health Justice, an organization that removes barriers and builds the power of Californians to achieve reproductive justice. She is a strong advocate for passionate politics where love is at the center of the work and believes in the power people can co-cultivate in order to achieve full liberation from oppressive systems. In her spare time, she enjoys hanging with her familia back in her hood of Pomona, reading, and organizing in the community with her revolutionary sisters from AF3IRM.