Nicholas Weiner has over twenty years of experience as a labor union strategist and organizer. He is currently the National Director for the International Brotherhood of Teamsters/Change to Win “Justice for Port Driver” Campaign which has developed cutting-edge strategies for combatting worker misclassification and creating quality jobs. In 2008, he worked with environmental, public health, and community groups to pass the landmark Clean Truck Program at the Port of Los Angeles. Also in 2008, Mr. Weiner was a member of the Obama-Biden Transition Team, serving on the Agency Review Team for the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission. In 2003, Mr. Weiner was appointed by the Maryland State AFL-CIO to serve on a Maryland State Assembly study group for Unemployment Insurance legislative reforms. Mr. Weiner received his Masters of Science in Urban Public Policy and Management from the Milano School at the New School for Social Research in New York City in 1993.