Reetu is a dancer, writer, lawyer, and organizer. She currently works as a Campaign Manager for presente.org, the largest Latinx digital organizing platform in the country. She is a current Voqal fellow that has focused on how to create deeper relationships and organizing skills through digital organizing, focusing on economic equity and racial justice. She was a former public defender in Nashville, Tennessee, as a Gideon's Promise Fellow. She received a Master of Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, where she was the Program in Criminal Justice and Policy Management Summer Fellow, Carr Center for Human Rights Summer Fellow, and the Keta Taylor Colby Fellow for Death Penalty Law. Her thesis research was used to support the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights publication: “Who Pays? The True Cost of Incarceration on Our Communities.” She also received a Juris Doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law (Boalt Hall), where she was awarded the Francine Diaz Award for Social Justice. Prior to graduate school Reetu was a community educator and organizer for a domestic violence agency, developing a prototype statewide curriculum on violence, gender identity, sexism, patriarchy, and racism for California youth.