Rhonda (Ronnie) Martin was research coordinator for the National Science Foundation Software Engineering Research Center (SERC), a national consortium of universities and industrial members. She managed the SERC research program and coordinated all governance activities for NSF, seven universities, and thirty leading industrial and government software development organizations. SERC was widely considered to be among the most successful university-based industrial software engineering research consortia. Ronnie helped lead the team that produced one of the first large-scale mutation-based software testing tools for Defense applications. She was also Manager of the Software Test and Evaluation Project (STEP) that developed new Department of Defense (DoD) guidance and policy for the testing of computer software for mission-critical applications. One of STEP’s major achievements was to successfully coordinate the evaluation of tests for the Patriot Air Defense System. She also directed a National Security Industrial Association Task Force that investigated problems associated with the software crisis faced by the DoD. Ronnie was formerly a software engineer with IBM Corporation developing avionics software for the Space Shuttle. She is the co-author of the book Software Test and Evaluation.