Vanessa Nosie a dedicated loving mother of 4 children, employed with the San Carlos Apache Tribe Historic Preservation and Archaeology Department as a Archaeology-Aide. She is a matriarch in protection of her tribe's ancestral home and sacred places and community organizer. Vanessa has always been active and present for her community and people, hold positions such as the Co-Chair of Baase Sacred Organization, Member of the Mountain of the Spirit Runners protecting, a founding member and youth advisor of Native Youth Unite, organizing member of Apache Stronghold and organize member of the Poor Peoples Campaign, A National Call for Moral Revival. Vanessa has spoken before Congress and in a multitude of conferences, Vanessa still humbly returns to the lands in which she was raised, to continue to honor and protect the place and culture of home. That home being where her grandmother was born and raised, by her example Vanessa continues to be at service.