Zoe Lofgren represents California's 19th District, comprised of San José and Santa Clara County. In Congress she is a recognized leader on immigration policy, technology and innovation issues. A strong proponent of a free and open Internet, she rallied the fight against SOPA and recently introduced the ECPA 2.0 Act, reforming the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, and the Global Free Internet Act. She also introduced the Unlocking Technology Act reforming the Digital Millennium Copyright Act; and authored "Aaron's Law," named in honor of Aaron Swartz, reforming the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. A senior member of the House Judiciary Committee, she is the top Democrat on the Immigration and Border Security Subcommittee and is part of a bipartisan working group for immigration reform. She serves on the House Science, Space and Technology Committee; House Administration Committee; and Chairs the 38 Member California Democratic Congressional Delegation, the largest delegation in Congress.