Interested in running for office, but don't know where to start? Let Emerge America point you in the right direction during our Dare to Compete! training. Learn the basics on...
Interested in running for office, but don't know where to start? Let Emerge America point you in the right direction during our Dare to Compete! training. Learn the basics on...
Want to make your Member of Congress listen to you? Hear from the co-founders of the Indivisible Project, who wrote the guide on how progressive groups can apply Tea Party...
Political Data (PDI) is the company behind PDI National, an online software program serving the progressive community in all 50 states with tools designed to help campaigns and organizations of...
Many multi-issue organizing groups, even some with impressive scale, work on issues that deeply impact women but don't use an explicit gender lens in determining their strategies, messaging or policy...
In this new political landscape, many who had previously never been politically engaged are pining to get involved in community organizing. Join us for a participatory, interactive session that empowers...
Activists are changing their cities for the better at the ballot box. You can petition in your city to increase worker rights, liberalize marijuana policy, influence criminal justice policy, and...
VoterCircle is a powerful and easy to use friend-to-friend outreach platform that enables your supporters to leverage their personal relationships to benefit your organization or campaign. Join us and learn how...
If you're fired up, motivated, and ready to step up and run for office but aren't sure where or how to start, this training is for you. Based on our...
We know that many of the biggest upcoming electoral fights—with the highest stakes—will be fought on the local level. The question is, how can we bring our community's tools and...
Running for local and state office in deep red territory is one of the most powerful things you can do to change your state and the nation. Forget everything you...