Note: Immediately after you click submit, you’ll get a copy of your submission sent to the “Your Email Address” field on the form.
Below are all the fields included on the Training Submission Form that is linked to above. * indicates that question is required.
If your training submission is chosen to be presented at Netroots Nation 2014, we need to make sure you understand your commitment as a training organizer. Please confirm your understand by checking the boxes below:
- NEW IN 2014: I understand that speakers will be asked to pay a deeply discounted registration fee in order to take part in Netroots Nation
- I understand this and accept responsibility for making sure my trainers are aware of this policy.
- I understand a significant amount of work will be required of me in the months and weeks (not days) before Netroots Nation 2014
- I understand this and accept responsibility for this work.
- I understand that while my idea may be selected, Netroots Nation may ask that I tweak the training (either its content or makeup) to fit general themes and ensure a diversity of thought on the training.
- I understand and accept that my panel may be tweaked.
- As a training organizer, I will play a pivotal role as an intermediary between Netroots Nation and my trainers. Netroots Nation will send out communications, but I hold the primary responsibility for keeping my trainers up to date on relevant information and keeping Netroots Nation informed of any changes or challenges I’m having with my training or trainers.
- I will adhere to all deadlines and provide information to NN as it is requested and in a timely manner. Failure to provide NN with necessary information can lead to cancellation of a training.
- I understand and accept responsibility for meeting NN deadlines.
Training Organizer Information
- Name of training organizer*
- Training organizer e-mail address*
- Training organizer phone number*. (For personal contact purposes only. NN will never use this number for anything but coordinating this session for NN14)
- Website or blog of organizer (If none, leave blank. Please include only one url.)
- Twitter handle of organizer (If none, leave blank. Please include only one twitter handle.)
- Organization, blog, or company of training organizer (If none, leave blank).
- Role of the organizer (pick one)*:
- Organizer only (not participating in the session in any way from the stage)
- Organizer will be the only trainer
- Organizer will be one of multiple co-trainers
Basic Training Information
- Proposed session name* (it’s more important to be descriptive here than cute/funny)
- Proposed session description* (Enter a one paragraph description of the session you are proposing (max 150 words), as you would like to see it read in the conference program. You do not need to include the names of the trainers in this section.)
Advanced Training Information
- What are the takeaways for people who attend this training? What skills will be taught to people who attend?*
- Please list three questions that will be answered in this training* (We recommend that you make these questions as detailed and specific as possible.)
- Level of difficulty of the training*:
- Beginner – Very basic info
- Intermediate – More complicated info
- Advanced – Expert level
- Audience the training is appropriate for* (Select all that apply.)
- Bloggers
- Individual activists
- Nonprofit organizations
- Candidates or candidate staffers
- Which track(s) would the session fit into (pick up to 2)
- Communications
- Basic Online Organizing
- Advanced Online Organizing
- Storytelling
- Grassroots Organizing/Campaigns
- Testing/Optimization
- Grassroots Organizing
- Management/Administration
Trainers (up to 2)
There is space to enter up to 2 trainers. Please note that the number of trainers can dramatically impact the success of the training. In general, trainings given by one or two people tend to be more cohesive and dynamic. Also please think carefully about who you would like to give the training to ensure the session is lively, interactive and rooted in experience.
- Trainer name*
- Trainer e-mail*
- Have they trained before?
- If ‘yes’ to question above, where has this person given trainings?
- Trainer background? Why are they qualified to lead this training?* (The person’s role in the training, their expertise and expected subject matter for the presentations (Maximum 150 words))
- What kind of commitment have you secured for this person* (Choose one. Proposals will not be rejected or accepted on the basis of gaining commitments or lack thereof.):
- Definitely available / planning to attend NN
- Tentatively available July 16-19, 2015
- No contact but I am able to contact this person
- No contact and I would likely need help in contacting this person
- Gender of the speaker
- Speaker Ethnicity
- Choose one: African-American, Asian-Pacific Islander, Caucasian, Hispanic, Multiracial/multi-ethnic, Native American, Other